...the road goes on forever

pets Articles

Nate Dog & Mom

Gini’s Mom was becoming more insistent that Celtic (our Boston Terrier) was “hers”, and he wasn’t as thrilled with the idea. She would pick him up and carry him around (he’s really way too heavy for that); when she put him in her lap, he was too heavy and uncomfortable for her. Plus, he’d “escape” the first chance he got, and run to Gini.

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Celtic & Mom

About 7, 8 years ago, our friend Tammy Looney posted that a friend of hers had a dog for adoption. We contacted her friend Kim Ward, and after some pretty extensive questioning, she agreed we could take Celtic the Boston Terrier home.

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Doggie Dreams

I’ve often told my wife, I really wish I could see into the mind of dogs, and know what they’re really thinking.

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