...the road goes on forever


Recent Articles

The Suicide Posts

These posts were originally posted on Facebook on 6/13/2023 by two of my grandchildren and their mother. It was on the 10th anniversary of their father’s suicide (my daughter’s ex-husband at the time).

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Content Returning

I Think We’re Back I’ve added enough content back to feel comfortable bringing the site live again. Please keep watching to see more of the

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WordPress Multisite

If you’ve somehow found this on a search engine looking for a step-by-step guide to WordPress multisite; sorry, you’re not going to find it here.

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Windows Surface Pro

Please note, this is not an in-depth review of the Microsoft Surface Pro line-up. Such reviews have been written by many reviewers far more qualified

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Format Change II

This time, the format change isn’t quite as drastic, but if you look closely, you can see some changes

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Betty’s Ultimate Healing

This has been a rough week. Betty’s health had been continually getting worse. My visits with her, and even Gini’s far more frequent visits, became more and more just sitting with her while she slept.

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Whole Chicken Chicken Noodle Soup

This was one of the first meals I made in my Instant Pot. My wife likes white chicken meat, and I prefer dark. Using the whole chicken is a great compromise. If you have a sick friend, make up a batch of this and take half of it to them. They’ll never know you selfishly kept half for yourself.

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Format Change

If you’ve been on the site before, you probably noticed that I’ve pretty radically changed the layout.

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Meaty Instant Pot Lasagna

Lasagna has long been one of my favorite meals. I always picture myself as a human version of Garfield the cat when we have it for a meal. Sometimes there are leftovers, but they seldom make it through the night, and never through the next day.

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My Computer Beginnings

To a lot of people, Atari means games. Old-school games. But for a little over a decade, from 1979 to 1993, they were a respected

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